The heart and those striated muscles that contract for long periods, having available almost limitless oxygen, operate in sustained steady states of low sarcoplasmic oxygen pressure that resist change in response to changing muscle work or oxygen supply. Most of the oxygen pressure drop from the erythrocyte to the mitochondrion occurs across the capillary wall. Within the sarcoplasm, myoglobin, a mobile carrier of oxygen, is developed in response to mitochondrial demand and augments the flow of oxygen to the mitochondria. Myoglobin-facilitated oxygen diffusion, perhaps by virtue of reduction of dimensionality of diffusion from three dimensions towards two dimensions in the narrow spaces available between mitochondria, is rapid relative to other parameters of cell respiration. Consequently, intracellular gradients of oxygen pressure are shallow, and sarcoplasmic oxygen pressure is nearly the same everywhere. Sarcoplasmic oxygen pressure, buffered near 0.33·kPa (2.5·torr; equivalent to approximately 4·µmol·l -1 oxygen) by equilibrium with myoglobin, falls close to the operational Km of cytochrome oxidase for oxygen, and any small increment in sarcoplasmic oxygen pressure will be countered by increased oxygen utilization. The concentration of nitric oxide within the myocyte results from a balance of endogenous synthesis and removal by oxymyoglobin-catalyzed dioxygenation to the innocuous nitrate. Oxymyoglobin, by controlling sarcoplasmic nitric oxide concentration, helps assure the steady state in which inflow of oxygen into the myocyte equals the rate of oxygen consumption.Key words: myoglobin, oxygen, facilitated diffusion, dimensionality in diffusion, heart, red skeletal muscle, nitric oxide, mitochondria, cytochrome oxidase, Krogh cylinder. Here, we describe myoglobin-augmented oxygen supply to heart and red muscle, taking into account their threedimensional structures and the elevated concentration of myoglobin in the cytoplasmic domain to which it is restricted and recognizing the large area of mitochondrial surface available for oxygen diffusion. [A mathematical formulation of oxygen diffusion in the cardiac myocyte will be presented elsewhere.] Heart and muscle, having available an almost unlimited supply of oxygen, actually operate at controlled low oxygen pressure, at or near 0.33·kPa (2.5·torr), where myoglobin is about half-saturated with oxygen. Partial saturation of myoglobin enables oxymyoglobin to play a pivotal role; by converting endogenous nitric oxide to the innocuous nitrate, oxymyoglobin controls the level of nitric oxide (NO) within the cell. This, in turn, may control both the rate of capillary oxygen delivery to the cell and the rate of oxygen utilization by cytochrome oxidase.
Myoglobin function reassessed
Formulations of oxygen diffusion in musclePresent descriptions of oxygen diffusion/transport in tissues originate from the studies of Krogh, Hill and Jeffries Wyman, to whom this essay is dedicated. Krogh (1919a,b) and later Hill (1928) considered that oxyge...