Al though no un doubted oce anic crustal rock com plexes of Penninic af fin ity par tic i pate in the pres ent sur face struc ture of the West ern Carpathians, in di rect lines of ev i dence sug gest pro lon ga tion of the South Penninic-Vahic oce anic tract into the an cient Carpathians. The sed i men tary re cord of both the syn-rift and syn-orogenic clastic de pos its re veal their or i gin be tween the outer Tatric (Austroalpine) and the in ner Oravic (Mid dle Penninic) mar gins. The rift ing re gime is ex em pli fied by the nor mal fault-re lated scarp brec cias of the Ju ras sic Borinka Unit in the Malé Karpaty Mts., which are char ac ter ized by lo cal, grad u ally de nuded source ar eas. Two other re gions pro vide exam ples of a contractional re gime, both re lated to short en ing and clo sure of the Vahic oce anic do main. The Belice Unit in the Považský Inovec Mts. in cludes Up per Ju ras sic-Lower Cre ta ceous eupelagic, mostly si li ceous de pos its and a thick en ing-up wards Senonian sequence of turbiditic sand stones, con glom er ates and cha otic brec cias. It is in ferred that this suc ces sion rep re sents the sed i men tary cover of oce anic crust ap proach ing a trench, its in cor po ra tion in the accretionary com plex and fi nally underthrusting be low the outer Tatric mar gin. In the Oravic units of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, deep-ma rine con glom er ate/brec cia bod ies with olistoliths in di cate col li sion-related thrust stack ing that started from the Maastrichtian (Gregorianka Brec cia of the Sub-Pieniny Unit) and ter mi nated with the Lower Eocene Milpoš Brec cia in the Šariš Unit. In ad di tion, a ten ta tive re cy cling scheme of "ex otic" clastic ma te rial from mid-Cre ta ceous conglom er ates of the Klape Unit to var i ous Klippen Belt units is out lined. This ma te rial is con sid ered to be un re lated to the Vahic oce anic realm and its clo sure, and likely rep re sents ero sional prod ucts of more dis tant orogenic zones.
Dušan Plašienka, De part ment of Ge ol ogy and Palae on tol ogy, Fac ulty of Nat u ral Sci ences, Comenius Uni ver sity,