“…Nemertea was placed as the sister group of Brachiopoda in a few other studies using other datasets, e.g., myosin heavy chain type II (Ruiz-Trillo et al, 2002), three combined nuclear genes (18S rRNA, 28S rRNA, and EFla) (Struck et al, 2007); concatenated nuclear, ribosomal and mitochondrial genes (Bourlat et al, 2008), and expressed sequence tags for two nemerteans (or Brachiopoda + Phoronida; Dunn et al, 2008). However, Zrzavy et al (1998Zrzavy et al ( , 2001) inferred a sister relationship between Nemertea and Sipuncula, and Giribet et al (2004) did so with Entoprocta. Whereas there is increasing consensus among molecular analyses to support nemerteans as coelomate lophotrochozoans, placement of Nemertea within Lophotrochozoa remains in doubt, with analyses apparently influenced by the molecular markers and methods employed, as well as by taxon sampling.…”