While attempting to map a central region in the M3-M4 linker of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor NR1 subunit, we found that mutation of a single position, Ala-714, greatly reduced the apparent affinity for glycine. Proximal N-glycosylation localized this region to the extracellular space. Glycine affinities of additional Ala-714 mutations correlated with side chain volume. Substitution of alanine 714 with cysteine did not alter glycine sensitivity, although this mutant was rapidly inhibited by dithionitrobenzoate. Glycine protected the A714C mutant from modification by dithionitrobenzoate, whereas the co-agonist L-glutamate was ineffective. These experiments place Ala-714 in the glycine binding pocket of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, a determination not predicted by previous structural models based on bacterial periplasmic binding protein homology.The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) 1 receptor is distinguished among the ionotropic glutamate receptors by several properties. The receptor possesses a unique Ca 2ϩ permeability and a voltage-dependent Mg 2ϩ block (1). These two features define the NMDA receptor's role in several important physiologic phenomena, including long term potentiation, neuronal development, and excitotoxicity (2). However, the functional characteristic that may most differentiate the NMDA receptor from other glutamate receptors is a requirement for the coagonist glycine (3, 4). Occupancy of both glutamate and glycine binding sites is necessary for receptor activation, and the two sites are allosterically coupled (5, 6). The distinct glycine binding site has been suggested to play a role in regulation of NMDA receptor desensitization (7). While several residues in the amino terminus of NR1 have been demonstrated to greatly influence glycine affinity, binding is also modulated by the contributing NR2 subunits (8). Indeed, the glycine binding site is a current experimental target for therapeutic intervention in the hours immediately following ischemic stroke (9).Despite functional differences among the glutamate receptors, several recent studies have converged upon a single topology model for the ionotropic glutamate receptor family (10 -14). Speculation of alternate glutamate receptor topology was suggested by several early investigations (15)(16)(17)(18)(19). Several subsequent systematic studies concluded that non-NMDA glutamate receptor subunits possessed a three-transmembrane domain architecture (11,12,20). By generating functional N-linked glycosylation mutants of the NMDA NR1 subunit, we tested the hypothesized existence of a conserved hairpin pore structure similar to that found in voltage-gated K ϩ channels (13), thus supporting the three-transmembrane domain model. An important consequence of the new three-transmembrane domain configuration is an extracellular location of the M3-M4 linker.Inconsistent with the conclusion from these topology studies, however, were findings from several groups that residues in the M3-M4 linker of non-NMDA glutamate receptors could be phosphorylated (2...