Pairs of rats were placed in a chamber and given electric shocks of varying intensities in a random order. Two sessions, 48 h apart, were given to each pair. Shock-elicited aggression increased with shock intensity. Pretreatment, before a session, with the opiate antagonist, naloxone, resulted in greater aggression than was evidenced by saline-pretreated controls.Mammals have evolved central nervous system mechanisms of producing analgesia (Mayer & Price, 1976). This analgesia seems to be mediated, in part, by the action of endogenous opioid peptides (Sherman & Liebeskind, 1979). Recently, we have proposed that one of the functions of this endogenous analgesic system is to prevent nociceptive stimuli from disrupting innate defensive behavior patterns (Bolles & Fanselow, 1980; Fanselow & Bolles, 1979a, 1979b. According to this model, fear-provoking stimuli that trigger defensive behavior should also trigger the endogenous analgesic system. Support for the model comes from findings that show that, in the presence of fear-provoking stimuli, such as innately recognized predators (Blanchard & Blanchard, 1971) or stimuli associated with electric shock (Chance, White, Krynock, & Rosecrans, 1978;Fanselow, 1979; Fanselow & Bolles, 1979b), an animal is more tolerant of nociceptive stimuli. The analgesia produced by stimuli associated with electric shock seems to be mediated by endogenous opiates, since these stimuli increase endogenous opiate activity in the brain (Chance et aI., 1978), and the analgesia produced by these stimuli is eliminated by the opiate antagonist, naloxone (Fanselow, 1979; Fanselow & Bolles, 1979b).We have applied this model to posts hock freezing, one of the defensive behaviors of the rat (Fanselow & Bolles, 1979a). As the nociceptiveness of shock is increased, by increasing the current flow through the animal, the amount of postshock freezing likewise increases (Blanchard & Blanchard, 1969; Fanselow & Bolles, 1979a). If endogenous opioid analgesics are being released at the same time the animal is engaging in defensive behavior, then reducing the efficacy of these analgesic substances should increase the perceived nociceptiveness of shock and the rat should evidence more postshock freezing. Support for this hypothesis comes from the finding that the opiate antagonist naloxone increases posts hock freezing in a The purpose of the present experiment is to extend this behavioral effect of naloxone to a second defensive behavior, shock-elicited aggression (SEA). When two rats are confined together and shocked, they typically assume an upright posture and "box" (O'Kelly & Steckle, 1939). Blanchard, Blanchard, and Takahashi (1977) found that the behaviors of rats engaged in SEA resemble more closely those of rats forced to enter established rat colonies than those of the dominant alpha males. Therefore, they argued that SEA is actually a defensive behavior. The present experiment demonstrates that the incidence of this defensive behavior, like postshock freezing, increases with both shock intensity...