In recent decades, memory device technology has advanced through active research and the development of innovative technologies. Single transistor-based flash memory device is one of the most widely used forms of memory devices because their device structure is simple and the scaling is feasible. A nano-floating gate memory (NFGM) device is a kind of flash memory devices that uses nanocrystals as a charge-trapping element. The use of nanocrystals has advantages over memory devices that rely on other methods such as discontinuous trap sites and controllable trap levels. Nowadays considerable progress has been made in the field of NFGM devices, and novel application areas have been explored extensively. This review article focuses on new technologies that are advancing these developments. The discussion highlights recent efforts and research activities regarding the fabrication and characterization of nonvolatile memory devices that use a nanocrystal layer as a charge-trapping element. The review concludes with an analysis of device fabrication strategies and device architectures of NFGM devices for possible application to devices that are organic, printed, and flexible.