illuminated tip–sample junctions, the absorption of light
by the sample is accompanied by local heating and subsequent thermal
expansion of the material. In photoinduced force microscopy (PiFM)
experiments, thermal expansion is expected to affect the measured
photoinduced force through the thermally modulated van der Waals force.
Evidence for such thermal contributions in PiFM measurements has been
demonstrated in the mid-infrared range, where the primary excitations
are molecular vibrational modes. For PiFM measurements in the vis/NIR,
where light-matter energy transfer is mediated through electronic
excitations, clear experimental evidence of thermal contributions
remains elusive. By developing a frequency domain version of PiFM,
we retrieve variations in the photoinduced force on the sub-μs
time-scales, allowing a direct registration of the thermal relaxation
dynamics of the sample after photoexcitation. Our measurements confirm
the presence of the thermal contribution to the PiFM signal in the
mid-infrared range and provide strong experimental evidence that thermal
components also play a role in the forces measured in PiFM in the
vis/NIR range of the spectrum.