We report the first results obtained with a germanium quad-cell sensor operated in Geiger-mode regime. After a quantitative characterization of the single pixel, both in counting and in timing applications, we quantitatively assess the intensity of the optical coupling among the detectors of the cell due to secondary photon emission from hot carriers. This effect, intrinsically related to Geiger-mode operation, has been overcome by sequentially driving the pixels of the cell. A preliminary test demonstrates the tracking capabilities of the sensor. Since the single pixel can detect the arrival time of the photon with a precision better than lOOps FWHM arrays of such devices could be also employed in wavelength and timing resolved luminescence measurements in the near-infrared.Arrays of photodetectors are increasingly required in many applications,1 ranging from x-ray and infrared imaging2 to sateffite tracking, adaptive optics for astronomy,3 wavelength and time-resolved luminescence measurements for biochemistry, just to name a few. Moreover, the availability of solid state laser sources at wavelengths longer than 1pm are pushing the demand for fast and sensitive photodetectors in this wavelength range, beyond the sensitivity cut-off of silicon devices. For this reason, extensive investigations have been carried out on germanium and ffl-V APD's.4 Recently we have demonstrated that germanium APD's cooled at 77K can work in the so-called Geiger-mode, achieving single photon sensitivity with a Noise Equivalent Power (NEP) of 8.10b6 Wi'%JHz at 1.3pm-wavelength and featuring an equivalentbandwidth of 1.8GHz.5A Geiger-mode APD is operated biased above the breakdown voltage, B• At this bias, as soon as a photon is absorbed in the detector volume, the photogenerated pair triggers a macroscopic avalanche current. A fast discriminator senses the avalanche signal and provides a standard output pulse for counting and timing measurements. A suitable electronic circuit quenches the avalanche by lowering the bias close to or below VB and, after a hold-off time, restores the bias above VB in order to make possible the detection of another photon. Due to their single photon sensitivity, these devices are also called Single Photon Avalanche Diodes (SPAIYs).The key feature which makes SPAD's interesting is that the detector responds to a single photon with a macroscopic current pulse well above the noise level of the following electronics. While sensitivity of analog detectors is impaired by the electronic noise as soon as the signal frequency increases, SPA]Ys feature very low NEP not only in measurements of continuos signals but also of very fast optical vaweform. Presently available germanium SPAD's do not reach the sensitivity of CCD's or p-i-n photodiodes in the detection of near-infrared continuos signals, but they become competitive as soon as the signal frequency moves beyond 100Hz.5 The noise of SPAD's is due to the so-called dark-counting rate, which is the avalanche rate due carriers generated by thermal activation, tunn...