Please cite this article as: Kreitschitz, Agnieszka, Gorb, Stanislav N., How does the cell wall 'stick' in the mucilage? A detailed microstructural analysis of the seed coat mucilaginous cell wall.Flora 2017.02.010 This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain. The examined pectic (Linum usitatissimum) and cellulose (Neopallasia pectinata) seed mucilage showed the fibrillary character of the components. The second type of mucilage indicated a much more arranged structure than that of the pectic one due to the presence of cellulose microfibrils. We showed cellulose organization in a net-like scaffold on which other mucilage components were spread and shoved how the mucilage was anchored to the seed surface through the cellulose skeleton, preventing it from being lost. Our detailed analysis gave an insight into how the mucilage is spatially arranged and also provided direct microstructural evidence of cell wall polysaccharides structure, distribution and interactions especially for widely-postulated xylan-cellulose linking. We demonstrated that xylan might be represented by long chains covering the surface of cellulose fibrils. The main advantage of the applied technique is its less-invasive character which retains the 3D structure of the components within the intact mucilaginous cell wall. As utilized in our studies, preparation and visualization methods with seed mucilage as a model system can give us new possibilities in structural studies of the (mucilaginous) cell wall.