The appearance of new functionalities and devices arising from size-and shape-dependent properties has triggered the interest in creating well-defined structures at the nanometricscale. While conventional lithography is used to fabricate structures in the range of hundreds of nanometers, self-organizing and self-assembling processes following a bottom-up approach can easily decrease this size limit and also cover cost-effectively much larger surfaces. [1,2] Semiconductors, metals, oxides and molecular materials are different areas where such principles are intensively pursued to generate nanostructures. [1] In particular, self-assembling based on the stress associated to heteroepitaxial growth is an attractive fabrication route in which the generation of semiconductor nanostructures has been extensively investigated [1,3] and, recently, it has spread to other emerging fields such as oxide-based nanotechnology. Complex oxides attract a great interest for a wealth of different physical and chemical properties and applications such as ferromagnetism, ferroelectricity, colossal magnetoresistance, high dielectric constants, catalysis, optical properties, high temperature superconductivity, solar cells, etc.[4] Based on these properties, many device concepts are under investigation requiring lateral confinement at the nanometric scale, [5][6][7] therefore, it constitutes a real scientific challenge to understand the formation mechanisms of nanometric structures. So far the mechanisms that drive self-organized nanodot growth have been studied in certain detail in epitaxial materials prepared from vapor deposition techniques, including oxides [1,[5][6][7] , and either Stranski-Krastanov or Volmer-Weber mechanisms were found to apply. On the other hand, vicinal substrates have been widely considered as templates for growing low dimensional nanostructures. [8,9] The role of lattice steps on the growth mechanism of oxide films has been analyzed by several authors, though the formation of self-organized nanostructures using the terraces as templates has been very scarce. [5,6] Much less attention has been devoted to investigate the capabilities of Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD), [10,11] a preparation methodology bearing a high interest for many functionalities and practical applications requiring the use of large areas or long lengths.[12] Particularly, CeO 2 is a key material which is being extensively investigated because of its very high intrinsic interest in many areas such as catalysis, ionic conductivity, optical and dielectric properties, [13] buffer layer for oxide superconductors, [14,15] or nanotemplates to manipulate the vortex properties in superconducting materials. [16] In the last case, the use of self-organized templates in combination with superconducting films could lead to a wealth of new superconducting phenomena.[17] It appears then as highly demanding, scientifically and technologically, the study of the mechanisms generating nanostructured networks of CeO 2 . Very thin films grown by CSD have b...