velocities and elasticity of stoichiometric submicron
polycrystalline δ-MoN have been reported at high pressure using
ultrasonic measurements and first-principles calculations. Using the
finite-strain equation-of-state approach, the bulk modulus and shear
rigidity, as well as their pressure derivatives, are derived from
the current experimental data, yielding B
S0 = 360.0(8) GPa, G
0 = 190.0(5) GPa, ∂B
S/∂P = 3.4(2), and ∂G/∂P = 1.4(1). Based on our experimental
data and the velocity–elasticity correlated models, the mechanical/thermal
properties (i.e., hardness, fracture toughness, Grüneisen
parameter, Debye temperature, Poisson’s ratio) are also derived.
Interestingly, we find that hexagonal δ-MoN is almost as incompressible
as superhard cubic boron nitride (cBN) (∼384 GPa) and its hexagonal
ε-NbN (∼373 GPa) counterpart, and its shear rigidity
(G = 190 GPa) is comparable to that of the superhard
diamond composite (G = 204 GPa). Moreover, the fracture
toughness of submicron δ-MoN polycrystals is achieved up to
∼4.3 MPa·m1/2, which is comparable to superhard
diamond (4–7 MPa·m1/2) and cBN (2–5
MPa·m1/2). The Vickers hardness of submicron δ-MoN
is estimated to be H
v ≈ 17.4 GPa
using Chen’s model, which is found to be almost as hard as
hexagonal ε-NbN and δ-WN, and may be very important for
its applications in extreme environments.