Abstract. Researchers have long been interested in examining relationships between personality traits and performance in applied settings. Although the Big Five remains the most prevalent model of personality, studies adopting an alternative personality model known as the HEXACO model have been increasing in the past decade (e.g., Ashton et al., 2004 ; Lee & Ashton, 2004 ). The aims of the present paper are three-fold: First, we systematically review the literature on the HEXACO model and its applications in educational and work settings. Second, we introduce an emerging applied personality framework for use in educational research and practice, the ACT Behavioral Skills Framework ( Casillas, Way, & Burrus, 2015 ), which is based on the HEXACO model. Third, we offer a number of suggestions for how future research can continue to refine the development and application of the HEXACO model in educational and organizational research and practice.