The World Health Organization (WHO) system for defining and classifying soft tissue tumors is usually applied to lesions that occur in the trunk and extremities, but it also provides an excellent framework for characterizing nonepithelial extraskeletal tumors of the head and neck. Although nonepithelial extraskeletal tumors are in the minority among head and neck lesions, they are by no means rare. The WHO classification system recognizes nine major types based on histologic differentiation: adipocytic, fibroblastic or myofibroblastic, fibrohistiocytic, smooth muscle, skeletal muscle, vascular, pericytic, and chondro-osseous tumors, as well as soft tissue tumors of uncertain differentiation. Tumors of each histologic type may be further subclassified on the basis of their biologic behavior as benign, intermediate (ie, having malignant potential), or malignant. Imaging plays an important role in the noninvasive diagnosis and characterization of nonepithelial soft tissue tumors of the head and neck, providing clues about tumor grade, composition, extent, and involvement of adjacent structures. Although the imaging characteristics of many such tumors are nonspecific, consideration of the clinical history in concert with the imaging findings may help limit the differential diagnosis or even allow reliable diagnosis of some of these tumors.