“…They do not have exceptional glandular de velopment, such as is found in callitrichids [10], nor do they exhibit dramatic displays involving scent distribution of the kind found in Lemur catta [11], Squirrel monkeys do, however, have a prominent urine-washing display, as well as a functional vomeronasal system [ 12], small circumgenital and circuma nal glands and a relatively small (3 mm diam eter) sternal gland [13,14], Previous studies of captive squirrel mon keys have shown that: (1) olfactory discrimi nation among conspecifics is possible at an early age [15,16]; (2) individuals respond dif ferently to the urine of familiar and unfamil iar squirrel monkeys [17], and (3) olfactory investigation of a female's genital region al lows a male to evaluate the female estrous condition [18], Interpretations as to which behaviors ac tually reflect deposition of chemical signals are less certain. There is a consensus that the urine of squirrel monkeys contains important olfactory signals, more significant than either the exudates of weakly developed glands or the feces [19].…”