understand the effects of biomass origin and temperature on
the characteristics of soot formation from biomass, fast pyrolysis
of wheat straw and sawdust was performed in an entrained flow reactor
in the temperature range of 900–1300 °C. The produced
soot, permanent gas, and tar were sampled and characterized by transmission
electron microscopy (TEM) and gas chromatography/gas chromatography–mass
spectroscopy (GC/GC-MS) with respect to yield, morphology, structure,
and composition. Moreover, soot formation was modeled in a plug flow
reactor (PFR) with a detailed reaction mechanism. Results indicate
that the woody biomass produced a significant higher quantity of soot
(0.34%–6.30% (dry biomass, db)) than that from straw (0.28%–2.40%
(db)), and the woody soot has a more ordered structure. The reason
for this was primarily ascribed to the combined effects of high contents
of lignin, cellulose, and low content of ash in woody biomass. The
carbonization of soot occurred at about 1100 °C when primary
spherical particles were formed with concentrically stacked graphitic
layers. All of the collected tar species were deoxygenated aromatic
components, of which benzene and naphthalene were the characteristic
species. The aromatic species in sawdust tar were much more heterogeneous
than those of straw. Due to the soot formation reactions occurring
above 900 °C from the secondary decomposition of light C
gases, carbon
conversions of the two biomasses declined. When the temperature reached
1100 °C, the CO generation reactions were strengthened remarkably,
which caused the carbon conversion to increase again. A reasonable
agreement between the observed and the predicted soot yield was obtained.
In this studied case, the HACA (hydrogen abstraction carbon addition)
route is the dominant route for soot formation, while the contribution
from CPDyl (cyclopentadienyl) dimerization is small.