Consider a class of exchange economies in which preferences are continuous, convex and strongly monotonic. It is well known that the Walrasian correspondence, de…ned over such a class of economies, is not implementable in Nash Equilibrium. Monotonicity (Maskin (1999)), a necessary condition for Nash implementation, is violated for allocations at the boundary of the feasible set. However, we know since the seminal work of Moore-Repullo (1988) and Abreu-Sen (1990) that monotonicity is no longer necessary for subgame perfect implementation. We …rst show that the Walrasian correspondence de…ned over this class of exchange economies is not implementable in subgame perfect equilibrium. Indeed, the assumption of di¤erentiability cannot be relaxed unless one imposes parametric restrictions on the environment, like assumption EE.3 in Moore-Repullo (1988).Next, assuming di¤erentiability, we construct a sequential mechanism that fully implements the Walrasian correspondence in subgame perfect and strong subgame perfect equilibrium.. We take care of the boundary problem that was prominent in the Nash implementation literature. Moreover, our mechanism is based on price-allocation announcements and …ts the very description of Walrasian Equilibrium.Keywords: Walrasian equilibrium, double implementation, subgame perfect equilibrium, strong subgame perfect equilibrium. This paper is partially based on chapter 2 of my Phd thesis completed at Brown University. I thank Francois Maniquet, Roberto Serrano and Rajiv Vohra for helpful discussions and comments on this topic. I also thank William Thomson for some very helpful comments on a previous draft of this paper. contact: y University of Namur and CORE.