“…Numerous studies have documented the speci c traits acquired in domesticated animals (dog, horse, pig, cow) (Diamond, 2002;Frantz et al, 2015;Petersen et al, 2013;Warmuth et al, 2011) and plants (cabbage, corn, wheat) (Hufford et al, 2012;Mabry et al, 2021;Peng et al, 2011), as well as their genetic differentiation from wild populations and their adaptive genomic changes. For example, domesticated animals (dog, horse and cattle) have been selected for coat color, size, rapidity and docility (Liu et al, 2022;Plassais et al, 2022;Qanbari et al, 2014). On the other hand, functions essential in wild environments but unused in anthropic environments have often degenerated due to relaxed selection, for example, reductions in defense mechanisms in plants (Cornille et al, 2014;Hufford et al, 2012).…”