For the management of captive populations of zoo animals, it is important to elucidate factors that affect the offspring birth sex ratio. On the basis of the sex allocation theory, the Trivers–Willard and mate attractive/quality hypotheses predict that maternal and paternal conditions affect offspring birth sex ratios. We examined these predictions for the birth sex ratio of aye‐aye Daubentonia madagascariensis (Gmelin) by analyzing the pedigree information in the International Studbook. We found that the birth sex ratio of the aye‐aye was affected by the paternal age, but not maternal age and other environmental factors (birth year, season, and institution). The younger the sire, the more the offspring sex ratio was biased toward males. These results are useful for the effective population management of captive aye‐aye and illustrated the usefulness of the sex allocation theory in the sex ratio management of zoo animals.