For f : On -+ On let supp(f) := {( : f(C) # 0}, and let S := {f : On + On : supp(f) finite}. For f,g E S define f 5 g : e (3 : O n + On)[ h one-to-one A (V() f(() 5 g ( h ( ( ) ) ] . A function $ : S -+ On is called monotonic increasing, if f(() 5 $(f) and if f 5 g implies $(f) 5 $(g). For a mapping $ : S -+ On let Clw(0) be the least set T of ordinals which contains 0 as an element and which is closed under the following rule: If f E S, range(f) c T and supp(f) C T, then $(f) E T. Let cp be the enumeration function of the class {( : (37)" = d]}. Let @ be the induced Sch~tte-KIanimertenrrfunction (see [Ill) which generates the Schiitte-Veblen-hierarchy of ordinals. Then CP is monotonic increasing. We show: If $ : S -+ On is monotonic increasing, then otyp(Cl+(O)) 5 min{( : ( = @(It)}, where lc(a) = 1 if Q = ( and lc(a) = 0 if a # (. For r an ordinal let S r := {f E S : supp(f) 2 r}. A function $ : S , 4 On is called r-monotonic increasing if f(() 5 $(f) and if f 5 g implies $(f) 5 $(g). For a function $ : Sr + O n let Cl+(O) 1 r be the least set T of ordinals, which contains 0 as an element, such that i f f E S, and range(f) c T, then $(f) E T. We show: Zf r 2 2 and if $ : S , -+ O n is r-monotonic increasing, then otyp(Cl+(O) I r) 5@ ( l r ) . We also prove a generalization of this theorem in terms of well-partial orderings. MSC: 03F15, 03E10, 06A06.