“…The primary dependent measure in these studies has been percent 'errorless retrieval, that is, the percentage of trials on which the child searches first at the correct location. Modifications of this basic procedure have included varying the delay intervening between hiding and searching from seconds or minutes to hours or even longer (DeLoache, 1980), pretraining the hide-and-seek game (DeLoache, 1984), instructing subjects to explicitly remember the location of the object DeLoache, 1984), having subjects exhaustively consider all hiding locations before initiating search (Perlmutter, Hazen, Mitchell, Grady, Cavenaugh, & Flook, 1981), using a familiar home or nursery school environment rather than an unfamiliar laboratory setting (DeLoache, 1980(DeLoache, , 1984Wellman, Somerville, & Haake, 1979), and hiding several objects in multiple locations (DeLoache, 1980).…”