'The spectra of several isomeric osimes in the solid state were examined in the range 700-3600 cm-'. The associated O H stretching-frequency near 3250 cm.-1 in the a oximes is displaced towards lower frequency in the @ oximes. The region of the OH stretching mode of several oximes was also studied in benzene and chloroform solutions. T h e frequencies near 1300 cm.-l and 920 cm.-1 are tentatively assigned to the 014 deformation and the N-OH stretching modes, respectively. No consistent differences are observed betweel! the a and the 6 oximes with respect to these vibrations. The band a t approxi~nately 1640 CIII.-~ ascribed to the C = N vibration remains essentially unchanged in the spectra of the two isomeric forms.Although the infrared spectra of several oximes that are of value as analytical reagents have been reported (10, 23), a review of the literature indicates that no serious attempts have been made to compare the infrared spectra of the a and p oximes. The 7000 cm.-I region (first overtone of the OH stretching frequency) of dilute carbon tetrachloride solutions of a and P benzilmonoximes (16) were found to be identical while a benzoinoxime acetate showed two weak bands that did not appear jn the P form (24).The spectra of a and P oximes are not expected to be identical since the arrangement and bonding of the atoms in the n~olecule give rise to characteristic absorption bands. The present investigation was undertaken, therefore, in order to determine possible differences in the infrared spectra of the two isomeric forms. The data presented in this report on 15 oximes in the solid state, 10 of which are geometric isomers, demonstrate that one can distinguish between the a and 6 compounds on the basis of the position of the OH stretching frequency.
Infvaved SpectvaThe spectra were recorded in the region 700-3600 cm.-' with a Perkin-Elmer Model 21 double-beam spectrometer. The crystalline con~pounds were dried over phosphorus pentoxide, ground to a fine powder to reduce the scattering effect, and measured between two salt plates as Nujol mulls. The solutions (about 0.02 &I) were examinecl in sodium chloride cells of 0.03 mm. tl~ick~less. The instrunlent was set a t a slit schedule of 4 and speed 3 for each run. Duplicate spectra of the same compound did not differ by more than 5 1 0 cm.-' a t 3000 cm.-' and f 5 cnl.-' a t 1500 cm-I.The following oximes were commercial samples and, with the exception of a-benzaldoxime which was used directly, were recrystallized until the melting 1 Il.fanz~script received Jzme 8, 1955.