The prototypical antiferroelectric PbZrO3 has several unsettled questions, such as the nature of the antiferroelectric transition, possible intermediate phase and the microscopic origin of the Pbam ground state. Using first principles, we show that no phonon becomes truly soft at the cubic-to-Pbam transition temperature, and the order-disorder character of this transition is clearly demonstrated based on molecular dynamics simulations and potential energy surfaces. The out-ofphase octahedral tilting is an important degree of freedom, which can collaborate with other phonon distortions and form a complex energy landscape with multiple minima. Candidates of the possible intermediate phase are suggested based on the calculated kinetic barriers between energy minima, and the development of a first-principles-based effective Hamiltonian. The use of this latter scheme further reveals that specific bi-linear interactions between local dipoles and octahedral tiltings play a major role in the formation of the Pbam ground state, which contrasts with most of the previous explanations.Antiferroelectrics (AFEs) form a special class of materials that possess anti-polar displacements, which was first conceptualized by Kittel 1 . AFEs have received much attention in recent years because they hold great potential to reach high energy density for high-power energy storage 2-4 . Lead zirconate PbZrO 3 (PZO) is the first discovered AFE material, and crystallizes in a Pbam ground state below ∼505 K 5-7 . Besides the anti-polar distortions, this particular structure also exhibits strong longranged order tiltings of oxygen octahedra, which is often termed as antiferrodistortive (AFD) distortions.Despite the efforts devoted to understanding the origin of the AFE ground state in PZO 8-10 , how distortions condense from the high-symmetry cubic structure remains an open issue. Unlike proper ferroelectrics where the ferroelectric (FE) distortion results from soft polar mode in the cubic phase, it is presently unclear if PZO is a proper AFE. As a matter of fact, on one hand, completely soft AFE and AFD modes have been predicted at the AFE transition temperature (T A ) by Fthenakis et al. based on an effective Hamiltonian method 11 . On the other hand, no truly soft AFE or AFD modes was observed in Ref. 8 . In this regards, Tagantsev et al. proposed that the AFE transition in PZO is driven by a non-critical softening of the transverse acoustic mode via flexoelectric coupling 8 ; however, this mechanism is rather exotic and has recently been ruled out 12 . Moreover, from an energetic point of view,Íñiguez et al.. believe that the AFD mode plays a crucial role and PZO may be an improper AFE 9 .In fact, the above considerations in Refs. 9,11 rely on the existence of a displacive transition, for which the distortions in the antiferroelecrtic state are derived from sudden deviations from the ideal cubic structure at T A . However, such assumption may be invalid for PZO, as the AFE transition have been advocated to possess a strong order-disorder c...