Already in the 1950s, an elegant laboratory experiment had been designed to understand how the atmospheric circulation transports heat from equatorial to polar latitudes (cf. the pioneering studies described by Hide [1958, 2010]). It consists of a cooled inner and heated outer cylinder mounted on a rotating platform, mimicking the heated tropical and cooled polar regions of Earth's atmosphere. Depending on the strength of the heating and the rate of rotation, different flow regimes had been identified in the gap: the zonal flow regime, wave regimes that can be classified by propagating waves of different wave numbers, and quasi-chaotic regimes where waves and small-scale vortices coexist. The baroclinic annulus experiment, often called the differentially heated rotating annulus of fluid, has been accepted as a suitable laboratory model for the midlatitude large-scale flow in Earth's atmosphere. For example, Fultz [1961] and Lorenz [1964] used the heated rotating annulus as an analogy to the complex dynamics of the large-scale weather when they discussed problems related to climate variability. Obviously, large-scale environmental flows and the flows observed in the rotating annulus show agreement