Biological mass spectrometry
(MS) encompasses a range of methods
for characterizing proteins and other biomolecules. MS is uniquely
powerful for the structural analysis of endogenous protein complexes,
which are often heterogeneous, poorly abundant, and refractive to
characterization by other methods. Here, we focus on how biological
MS can contribute to the study of endogenous protein complexes, which
we define as complexes expressed in the physiological host and purified
intact, as opposed to reconstituted complexes assembled from heterologously
expressed components. Biological MS can yield information on complex
stoichiometry, heterogeneity, topology, stability, activity, modes
of regulation, and even structural dynamics. We begin with a review
of methods for isolating endogenous complexes. We then describe the
various biological MS approaches, focusing on the type of information
that each method yields. We end with future directions and challenges
for these MS-based methods.