We detect thermally excited surfaces waves on a submicron SiO 2 layer, including Zenneck and guided modes in addition to Surface Phonon Polaritons. The measurements show the existence of these hybrid thermalelectromagnetic waves from near-(2.7 µm) to far-(11.2 µm) infrared. Their propagation distances reach values on the order of the millimeter, several orders of magnitude larger than on semi-infinite systems. These two features; spectral broadness and long range propagation, make these waves good candidates for near-field applications both in optics and thermics due to their dual nature.PACS numbers: 44.40.+a,71.36.+c,78.20.-e Keywords: thermal emission, nearfield thermal radiation, Zenneck modes, surface phonon polaritons.Thermal radiation through surface wave diffraction is usually only considered as the result of Surface Phonon Polaritons (SPhPs). SPhPs are hybrid evanescent electromagnetic surface waves generated by the phononphoton coupling, at the interface of polar and dielectric materials (such as SiO 2 and air) 1-4 . The influence of SPhPs on the thermal performance of nanostructured materials has been studied intensively over the last decade, providing an alternative channel of heat conduction when the objects are scaled down 5,6 . Due to this behaviour, they are essential for the improvement of the thermal stability in micro and nanoelectronics 7-9 , microscopy 10 , near-field thermophotovoltaics 11 and for thermal radiation 12-14 . In addition, SPhPs provide coherent thermal radiation in mid-infrared 13,14 . This feature is now widely used to control thermal radiation but in a frequency range that is limited to the midinfrared because it implies the coupling to transverse optical phonons 1,15 . But this narrow spectrum (typically 8.6 − 9.3 µm at a SiO 2 -air interface) in addition to propagation lengths in the range of the wavelength decrease the field of use of SPhPs for many applications such as thermal transport at nanoscale, infrared nanophotonics and coherent thermal emission.In this letter we demonstrate through experiment that coherent thermal emission, resulting from surface waves, can be extended spectrally. We also prove experimentaly that these surface waves have a long propagation range, when considering isolated submicron layers. Indeed, if the film is thinner than the penetration depth of a) Corresponding author:thomas.antoni@centralesupelec.fr the wave inside the material, the electromagnetic mode can be coupled on both its interfaces allowing for the long-range propagation of two other types of electromagnetic surface waves; Zenneck and subwavelength Transverse Magnetic (TM) guided modes 16 . The propagation length is increased as a consequence of the dramatic decrease in the overlap of the mode with the material, hence its absorption. For example, it is almost two orders of magnitude larger than the wavelength for a 1 µm thick suspended SiO 2 membrane 5 . To prove those predictions, we fabricated a submicron glass layer and characterized its thermal emission by means of Fourier Tran...