Abstract. While multiphoton microscopy ͑MPM͒ has been performed with a wide range of excitation wavelengths, fluorescence emission has been limited to the visible spectrum. We introduce a paradigm for MPM of near-infrared ͑NIR͒ fluorescent molecular probes via nonlinear excitation at 1550 nm. This all-NIR system expands the range of available MPM fluorophores, virtually eliminates background autofluorescence, and allows for use of fiber-based, turnkey ultrafast lasers developed for telecommunications. Multiphoton microscopy ͑MPM͒ has become an indispensable optical imaging modality due to its intrinsic threedimensional localization, low photobleaching and photodamage outside the focal volume, and improved imaging depth.
1MPM typically uses near-infrared ͑NIR͒ excitation at 700 to 1000 nm to generate fluorescence in the visible wavelengths.2 Although the excitation wavelength of MPM has been extended 3-8 beyond 1000 nm, to our knowledge no imaging has been performed with NIR-emitting contrast agents. Conventional ͑linear͒ fluorescence imaging has shown that molecular imaging with NIR ͑ Ͼ 700 nm͒ agents minimizes the contribution from endogenous fluorescence and increases penetration depth.9 Since conventional MPM efficiently images endogenous molecules such as collagen, elastin, and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ͑NADH͒, 10 the signal from these and other endogenous fluorophores restricts molecular imaging with exogenous contrast agents. This is particularly problematic when target concentrations are low, and strategies to reduce autofluorescence become critical to image contrast. Here, we measure twophoton-induced fluorescence of NIR dyes and demonstrate their use for autofluorescence-free biological imaging.Heptamethine cyanine dyes were selected as NIR contrast agents because of their biocompatibility and the availability of diverse structures with single photon ͑1P͒ absorption and emission between 700 and 850 nm. Cypate, a derivative of indocyanine green, was prepared as previously reported, 11 and 3,3Ј-diethylthiatricarbocyanine iodide ͑DTTCI͒ were purchased from a commercial source ͑Sigma-Aldrich, Saint Louis, Missouri͒. These dyes exhibit an absorption/emission peak of 799/ 817 nm and 771/ 800 nm, respectively. Fortuitously, these absorption maxima of NIR dyes correspond to roughly half the telecommunications spectral window at 1550 nm. As this overlaps with the gain spectrum of erbium, we perform all-NIR MPM using a simple, turnkey erbiumdoped fiber laser. A mode-locked femtosecond fiber laser ͑Mercury 1000, PolarOnyx, Sunnyvale, California͒ provided 100 mW of excitation light at ϳ1550 nm through a ϳ1-m optical fiber ͑Fig. 1͒. At the output of the fiber, the pulse duration was nominally 100 fs with a repetition rate of 50 MHz, although positive material dispersion of the optical components in the system leads to pulse broadening and reduces excitation efficiency at the sample. These losses can be recovered if the pulses arriving at the sample are transformlimited by precompensating for material...