We present new ground-based 3 km spectra of 14 young stellar objects with ice absorption H 2 O bands. The broad absorption feature at 3.47 km was detected toward all objects, and its optical depth is correlated with the optical depth of ice, strengthening an earlier Ðnding. The broad absorption H 2 O feature at 3.25 km was detected toward two more sources, and an upper limit is given for a third source. The optical depths of the 3.25 km feature obtained to date are better correlated with the optical depth of the refractory silicate dust than with that of ice. If this trend is conÐrmed, this would support our H 2 O proposed identiÐcation of the feature as the C-H stretch of aromatic hydrocarbons at low temperature. An absorption feature at 3.53 km due to solid methanol was detected for the Ðrst time toward Mon R2/IRS 2, as well as toward W33A and GL 2136. The wavelengths of the features toward CH 3 OH W33A, GL 2136, and NGC 7538/IRS 9 can be Ðtted by ices, whereas the wavelength of the CH 3 OH-rich feature toward Mon R2/IRS 2 suggests an ice environment. Solid methanol abundances H 2 O-rich toward GL 2136, NGC 7538/IRS 9, and Mon R2/IRS 2 are 3%È5% relative to ice. There is an H 2 O additional narrow absorption feature near 3.47 km toward W33A. For the object W51/IRS 2, spatially resolved spectra from 2 to 4 km indicate that the ice is located predominantly in front of the H 2 O eastern component and that the ice extinction is much deeper than previously estimated. For the H 2 O object RNO 91, spectra from 2 to 4 km reveal stellar (or circumstellar) CO gas absorption and deeper ice extinction than previously estimated. H 2