Let A be an n by n matrix with numerical range W (A) := {q * Aq : q ∈ C n , q 2 = 1}. We are interested in functionsf that maximize f (A) 2 (the matrix norm induced by the vector 2-norm) over all functions f that are analytic in the interior of W (A) and continuous on the boundary and satisfy max z∈W (A) |f (z)| ≤ 1. It is known that there are functionsf that achieve this maximum and that such functions are of the form B • φ, where φ is any conformal mapping from the interior of W (A) to the unit disk D, extended to be continuous on the boundary of W (A), and B is a Blaschke product of degree at most n − 1. It is not known if a functionf that achieves this maximum is unique, up to multiplication by a scalar of modulus one. We show that this is the case when A is a 2 × 2 nonnormal matrix or a Jordan block, but we give examples of some 3 × 3 matrices with elliptic numerical range for which two different functionŝ f , involving the same conformal mapping but Blaschke products of different degrees, achieve the same maximal value of ||f (A)||2.