LOCKHART, JAMES A. (U. Hawaii, Honolulu.) Interactions between gibberellin and various environmental factors on stem growth. Amer, Jour. Bot. 48(6): 516-525. Illus. 1961.-The interactions between gibberellin and various environmental factors on stem elongation of greenhouse. grown Phaseolus vulgaris have been studied in steady-state growth systems. The action of gibberellin was found to be independent of rate of accumulation of photosynthetic products, root activity, temperature, water availability and both ultraviolet and Xvradiation. It was also shown that gibberellin interacts completely with red/far-red radiation given at the end of the daily light period. This interaction is complete even when maximum growth rates are experimentally reduced by limiting various independent factors. These results are interpreted as demonstrating that red/farred radiation controls rate of stem elongation in greenhouse-grown plants through an effect on the endogenous gibberellin system of the plant. None of the other environmental factors studied seems to act through the gibberellin system.