We report the measurement of electrical transport of the two-dimensional Wigner solid (WS) formed on the free surface of superfluid 3 He-B down to 230 mK. The resistance R͑T ͒ dramatically decreases as temperature T decreases, obeying Arrhenius' law, R͑T͒~exp͓2D͑T͒͞k B T͔, with D͑T ͒ which we assign to the superfluid energy gap. That is, the scattering of 3 He quasiparticles by the WS determines the transport. The resistance depends systematically on the static electric field which presses the WS toward the liquid surface. We propose that the WS acts as a powerful probe for the study of the superfluid 3 He. [S0031-9007 (97)04553-5] PACS numbers: 67.57.Np, 73.20. -r