In the iron pnictides and chalcogenides, multiple orbitals participate in the superconducting state, enabling different gap structures to be realized in distinct materials. Here we argue that the spectral weights of these orbitals can in principle be controlled by a tetragonal symmetry-breaking uniaxial strain, due to the enhanced nematic susceptibility of many iron-based superconductors. By investigating multi-orbital microscopic models in the presence of orbital order, we show that not only Tc can be enhanced, but pairs of accidental gap nodes can be annihilated and created in the Fermi surface by an increasing external strain. We explain our results as a mixture of nearly-degenerate superconducting states promoted by strain, and show that the annihilation and creation of nodes can be detected experimentally via anisotropic penetration depth measurements. Our results provide a promising framework to externally control the superconducting properties of iron-based materials.A distinguishing feature of iron pnictides and chalcogenides [1,2] [13][14][15]. This diversity of behaviors opens up the interesting possibility of manipulating the superconducting ground state by tuning the appropriate external parameters. While this can be achieved empirically by mixing different types of doping, such as Ba(Fe 1−x Co x ) 2 (As 1−y P y ) 2 [16], control of the SC state requires understanding the mechanisms responsible for this non-universality of the gap structure.Theoretically, spin fluctuations have been widely proposed to cause pairing in iron pnictides and chalcogenides [17]. In this model, the non-universal behavior of the gap structure stems from the multi-orbital character of these materials that arises due to the 3d 6 configuration of Fe [18]. In fact, first-principle calculations [22] and ARPES experiments [19,20] reveal that the disconnected pockets that form the Fermi surface of most pnictides contain significant spectral weight from the d xz , d yz , and d xy orbitals (see Fig. 1(a) [33,34], is a distinguishing feature of the iron-based materials, since in most superconductors one SC state usually has a much lower energy than all the other ones.Therefore, in this framework, the properties of the SC state of the iron pnictides could be manipulated if the orbital content of their Fermi surface could be tuned. In this paper, we propose that this can be achieved via application of uniaxial strain ∂ i u i , where u denotes the displacement vector. Experimentally, many optimallydoped iron-based superconductors display a large nematic susceptibility χ nem [35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43], implying that even a small uniaxial strain [44][45][46][47] can trigger a nematic state with sizable anisotropies in the lattice and, more interestingly, in the magnetic and orbital degrees of freedom [48]. While previous works investigated how superconductivity is affected by the nematic-induced anisotropy in the magnetic spectrum [49], little is known about the impact of the induced anisotropy in the electronic spectrum. Indeed,...