Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common skin cancer after basal cell carcinoma. Usually, antitumor treatment is sufficiently effective: recovery rate is about 90 %. Primary SCC is characterized by variable growth rate, as well as by involvement of regional lymph nodes (from 1 % for well differentiated tumors to 10 % for poorly differentiated tumors, size >3 cm and /or invasion depth >4 mm). In case of SCC development near post-burn scar, the rate of regional metastasis is 10-30 %. A relatively small possibility of distant metastasis also exists, with overall mortality of 2-3 %. In SCC of the head and neck, both hematogenic and perineural advancement into the CNS are possible. Total rate of local recurrences is 25 %. The main factors of local and regional recurrences are location (head and neck), size (tumor diameter >2 cm), invasion depth (>4 mm), tumor differentiation, perineural involvement, patient's immune status and previous treatment. Tumors in areas that weren»t subjected to solar radiation and tumors in the areas of pervious irradiation, thermal damage, scarring or chronic ulcers are more prone to recurrences and metastasis. Poorly differentiated and anaplastic SCC is more likely to metastasize compared to well differentiated tumors. Medially located SCC is the area of the face mask and lip is more prone to neural invasion. Multidisciplinary approach with involvement of all specialists in antitumor treatment is necessary for development of treatment tactics.