The Croatian Neogene and Quaternary depositional sequences preserve a record of several different depositional environments with turbidite successions. These are turbiditic systems developed during the Late Miocene in the Croatian part of the Pannonian Basin System and during the Pliocene and Pleistocene in the northern Adriatic Sea. The shape, salinity and depths of depositional areas were significantly different in these two depressional areas, but both were fed mostly with Alpine detritus. Neogene turbidites with lacustrine pelitic sedimentation formed thick heterogeneous sequences of sandstones and marls (totalling several hundreds to some thousands of metres in thickness in different depressional parts) of Upper Miocene age in Northern Croatia. By contrast, Pliocene and especially Pleistocene turbidites of the northern Adriatic were deposited in a marine environment where the total thickness of sand and clay sequences can reach up to several thousand metres. In both cases, individual sandy or sandstone turbiditic sequences (events) can reach several tens of metres in thickness. These turbidite clastic sediments are important hydrocarbon reservoirs.Key words: siliciclastics, Pannonian Basin System, Po Depression, Upper Miocene, Pliocene, Quaternary
IzvlečekNeogenska in kvartarna sedimentacijska zaporedja na Hrvaškem vsebujejo zapis o nekolikih različnih sedimentacijskih okoljih s turbiditnim zaporedjem. Gre za turbiditne sisteme, razvite za časa poznega miocena v celinskem hrvaškem delu, in v pliocenu in pleistocenu na območju severnega Jadranskega morja. Oblika sedimentacijskih prostorov, slanost in globine so se bistveno razlikovali med tema dvema udorinskima območjema, ki so se pa oboja zapolnjevala s pretežno alpskim drobirjem. Neogenski turbiditi jezerske pelitne sedimentacije so tvorili debela heterogena zaporedja peščenjakov in laporovcev (debeline nekaj sto do nekaj tisoč metrov v različnih delkih udorine) zgornjemiocenske starosti v severni Hrvaški. Nasprotno so bili pa odloženi pliocenski in zlasti pleistocenski turbiditi severnega Jadrana v morskem okolju, v katerem skupne debeline peščenih in glinenih zaporedij znajo doseči nekaj tisoč metrov. V obeh primerih znaša debelina posameznih turbiditnih dogodkov do nekaj deset metrov. Ti turbiditni klastični sedimenti so pomembni rezervoarji ogljikovodikov.