Queries are meant to draw your attention to edits, inconsistencies or issues that are unclear. If we just ask you to confirm edits are correct, a simple yes/ok between the brackets will do [Au: OK? Is this what you meant? Edits OK? yes]. If questions are asked, please rephrase/update the manuscript text when addressing queries, so that the message is conveyed to the reader (do NOT just type your answer to our query).] [Au: Throughout the manuscript, please use consistent terminology. For example, acute diverticulitis is diverticular disease and in several instances, they are mentioned separately. For clearer understanding, please use consistent terminology and define cleary what diverticular disease refers to. Similarly, there is a slight ambiguity between the terms diverticulosis and asymptomatic diverticulosis. My understanding is that diverticulosis is always asymptomatic. Please refer to them consistently if they are used to refer to the same condition. Is acute uncomplicated diverticulitis as in some instances, its refered to as uncomplicated acute diverticulitis? Please also use the abbreviation, AUD, if this terminology is widely accepted in the field. Just wanted to flag these here to make it easier for you to address.][Au: Important! As I am managing the references for this manuscript, it is essential that changes to references are noted to me in a comment rather than edited manually (as this will likely unlink the references and cause much confusion). If a reference needs to be added, include the full reference details (at a minimum, PMID or DOI are needed) and precise location to be cited. If a reference needs to be deleted, state which reference (author, year) and not just the reference number (as this will change with every change to the references).You can move text around, including the references associated with any given statement, but please don't edit the reference list at the end of the document.