Cover: The image presents the relaxation of a melt of dense polymer globules into a standard entangled melt. Short chains expand isotropically in space while very long chains relax by reeling out ends, as illustrated by the timedependent ratio of the squared end-to-end distance and radius of gyration (inset). Further details can be found in the article by T. Vettorel and K. Kremer* on page 44.
Contents Growing Interest in Theory and Simulations
S. SpiegelMacromol. Theory Simul. 2010, 19, 7-9 Full Paper: Compartmentalization and nitroxide partitioning in nitroxidemediated radical polymerization in dispersed systems have been investigated by modeling and simulations. Compartmentalization comprises the segregation effect on termination and the confined space effect on deactivation. Under certain conditions, it is possible to obtain an improvement in both control and livingness.