In this work, we explore the state-space formulation of network processes to recover the underlying structure of the network (local connections). To do so, we employ subspace techniques borrowed from system identification literature and extend them to the network topology inference problem. This approach provides a unified view of the traditional network control theory and signal processing on networks. In addition, it provides theoretical guarantees for the recovery of the topological structure of a deterministic linear dynamical system from input-output observations even though the input and state evolution networks can be different.Index Terms-state-space models, topology identification, graph signal processing, signal processing over networks
INTRODUCTIONIn recent years, major efforts have been focused on extend traditional tools from signal processing to cases where the acquired data is not defined over typical domains such as time or space but over a network (graph) [1,2]. The main reason for the increase of research in this area is due to the fact that network-supported signals can model complex processes. For example, by means of signals supported on graphs we are able to model transportation networks [3], brain activity [4], and epidemic diffusions or gene regulatory networks [5], to name a few.As modern signal processing techniques take into account the network structure to provide signal estimators [6-8], filters [9-12], or detectors [13][14][15], appropriate knowledge of the interconnections of the network is required. In many instances, the knowledge of the network structure is given and can be used to enhance traditional signal processing algorithms. However, in other cases, the network information is unknown and needs to be estimated. As the importance of studying such structures in the data has been noticed, retrieving the topology of the network has become a topic of extensive research [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24].Despite the extensive research done so far (for a comprehensive review the reader is referred to [2,17] and references therein), most of the approaches do not lever a physical model beyond the one induced by the so-called graph filters [18,25] drawn from graph signal processing (GSP) [10,26,27]. Among the ones that propose a different interaction model e.g., [20,24], none of them considers the network data (a.k.a. graph signals) as states of an underlying process nor considers the that the input and the state may evolve on different underlying networks. However, different physical systems of practical interest can be defined through a state-space formulation with