Table 1 Networked learning: intellectual foundations Socio-cultural accounts of learning and change, social constructivism, activity theory, and expansive learning Vygotsky, Engeström Critical pedagogy Freire, Giroux, McLaren, hooks, Negt Democratic education and experiential learning Dewey, Kolb Deschooling, learning webs, and convivial tools Illich, Alexander Adult learning, workplace learning, and professional development Knowles, Lindeman, Brookfield, Schön Humanistic psychology and student-centred learning Rogers Action research and action learning Lewin, Revans, Kemmis The German-Continental pedagogical tradition Humboldt, Klafki, Negt Problem-oriented project pedagogy (POPP) Illeris, Negt, Dewey, Freire Computer-mediated communications (CMC), online discussions Hiltz, Harasim Cooperative and collaborative learning; Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL)