Novel Basic Ligands for the Homogeneous Catalytic Carbonylation of Methanol, XXVIII''. -Synthesis, Properties and Fluxional Behavior of (Ether-Ph0sphine)palladium Complexes Cl,Pd(COD) (1) (COD = 1,5-cyclooctadiene) reacts with 1 equiv. of the (ether-phosphine) ligand PhzP-D (2a-c) [D = CH;!C4H70 (a), CH2C4H702 (b), CH2CH20CH3 (c)] to give the dimeric complexes [p-ClPdCl(Ph,P-D)], (3a-c) (P-D = ql-P-coordinated). According to the field-desorption mass spectra which show only one peak for the monomeric moieties C1-Pd(Ph2P-D), 3a-c have a very weak Pd2C12 bridge. trans-Cl,Pd(Ph,P-D), (4a-c) is obtained either from 3a-c and 2a --c by cleaving the PdzClz bridge or from 1 and 2 equiv. of the ligands 2a-c. 4c crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2,/c with Z = 2. AgC104 selectively abstracts one Cl0 ligand from 4a-c which results in the formation of the cationic complexes [trans-(PhzPnD)(PhzP-D)PdCl]@ (5a-c) (PnD = q'-D,P-coordinated) containing one chelated and one ql-Pbonded (ether-phosphine) ligand. 5a-c show fluxional behavior which is demonstrated by temperature-dependent 31P{ 'H}-NMR investigations. The coalescence points have been determined and are at 253 pa), 303 (5b), and 283 K (54. The activation enthalpies AG' are estimated at 48, 58, and 54 kJ/mol. The abstraction of the second Cl0 ligand from 5a -c succeeds only in the presence of AgSbFs yielding the dicationic bis(che1ate) complexes [trans-(Ph,PnD),Pd]2Q (6ac). The latter are also obtained from 4a-c and AgSbF6. The hydrogenating properties of 3a-c and 4a-c toward 1-hexyne are investigated in comparison with trans-Cl,Pd(Ph,P-CHZCH2CH3)Z.Bei der in homogener Phase durchgefiihrten, Cobalt-katalysierten Hydrocarbonylierung von Methanol zu Acetaldehyd enveisen sich Ether-Phosphane fur eine Erhohung des Methanol-Umsatzes und die Produktselektivitat als au-Derordentlich vorteiIhaft z), Im Gegensatz zum Phosphor-Atom, das den festen Kontakt zum katalytisch aktiven Metallzentrum herstellt, bildet das Sauerstoff-Atom nur schwache und deshalb leicht zu offnende Metallkontakte aus. Die