We investigated connections between the physiology of rat barrel cortex neurons and the sensation of vibration in humans. One set of experiments measured neuronal responses in anesthetized rats to trains of whisker deflections, each train characterized either by constant amplitude across all deflections or by variable amplitude ("amplitude noise"). Firing rate and firing synchrony were, on average, boosted by the presence of noise. However, neurons were not uniform in their responses to noise. Barrel cortex neurons have been categorized as regular-spiking units (putative excitatory neurons) and fast-spiking units (putative inhibitory neurons). Among regular-spiking units, amplitude noise caused a higher firing rate and increased cross-neuron synchrony. Among fast-spiking units, noise had the opposite effect: It led to a lower firing rate and decreased cross-neuron synchrony. This finding suggests that amplitude noise affects the interaction between inhibitory and excitatory neurons. From these physiological effects, we expected that noise would lead to an increase in the perceived intensity of a vibration. We tested this notion using psychophysical measurements in humans. As predicted, subjects overestimated the intensity of noisy vibrations. Thus the physiological mechanisms present in barrel cortex also appear to be at work in the human tactile system, where they affect vibration perception.psychophysics | somatosensory cortex | vibration | whisker | finger A n effective approach to uncover how neuronal activity leads to sensation is to vary stimulation parameters while correlating changes in firing with changes in the percept (1-5). In the present work, we measured changes in neuronal activity in rat somatosensory ("barrel") cortex induced by variation in vibration parameters and correlated these changes with perceptual reports from human subjects. The stimuli in the two cases were trains of whisker and skin vibration, respectively.Isolated neurons respond more robustly to unpredictable (noisy) patterns of electrical stimulation than to repeating, periodic patterns (6) or constant inputs (7). Synaptic transmission also can be enhanced by noise (8). In a recent study of the effects of stimulus noise in rat barrel cortex, we found that whisker vibration trains containing temporal noise (irregularity in the sequence of interdeflection intervals) evoked a larger and more synchronous cortical response than did periodic vibration trains (9). In the present work, to verify that response amplification by noise is a general property of the sensory system, we explored another stimulus feature: We compared cortical responses to trains that had constant amplitude vs. trains that had varying amplitude. We then investigated the perceptual impact of noise using psychophysical experiments in humans. We predicted that noise, by enhancing neuronal firing rates and/or firing synchrony in somatosensory cortex, would produce a systematic bias in the perceived intensity of noisy vibrations compared with noise-free vibrations.