This paper presents a Mixed Fuzzy-GA Controller (MFGAC) for trajectory tracking of an industrial Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA), which is one of the most employed manipulators in industrial environments. In this robot nonlinear effects due to centrifugal, coriolis and internal forces are more important than friction and gravity forces, unlike most industrial robots. The control procedure of MFGAC is consisting of a mixed fuzzy controller which is optimized by genetic algorithm. In this work we first design a Traditional Fuzzy Controller (TFC) from the viewpoint of a Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) system for controlling each degree of freedom of the robot. Then, an appropriate coupling fuzzy controller is also designed according to the characteristics of robot's dynamic coupling and incorporated into a TFC. After that by using genetic algorithm we tune and optimize the membership functions and scaling factors of designed fuzzy controller. This control strategy can not only simplify the implementation problem of fuzzy control, but also improve control performance.Index terms -Intelligent control, Mixed fuzzy controller, SCARA robot, Genetic algorithm.
INTRODUCTONThe main difference between Multiple-Input MultipleOutput (MIMO) control systems and SISO control systems is in the means of estimating and compensating for the interaction between the degrees of freedom. MIMO systems usually posses complicated dynamics coupling. Estimating the accurate dynamic model and decoupling it for designing the controller is difficult. Hence the traditional model-based SISO control scheme is hard to implement on complicated MIMO systems because the computational burden is large. Therefore, the model-free intelligent control strategy is gradually attracting attention.Although fuzzy control theory has been successfully employed in many control engineering fields [1-5], its control strategies were mostly designed for SISO systems. Also, the number of control rules and controller computational burden grow exponentially with the number of variables considered. Clearly, the difficulty in controlling MIMO systems is how to solve the coupling effects between the degrees of freedom. Therefore, an appropriate coupling fuzzy controller is incorporated into a TFC for controlling MIMO robotic system. After that we investigate the use of genetic algorithm in the design and optimization of MFC.Recently, many works have been done using GA to optimize membership functions of Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). Karr, for example, has used a GA to generate membership functions for a PH control process [6] and cartpole problem [7]. Mohammadian and Stonier developed a fuzzy logic controller and optimized the membership functions by genetic algorithm [8]. Mester in [9] developed a neurofuzzy-genetic controller for robot manipulators; he applied the genetic algorithm to optimize the fuzzy rule set. Eskil and Efe and Kaynak in [10] proposed a procedure for T-Norm adaptation in fuzzy logic systems using genetic algorithm, they investigate the ...