“…Another novelty in our work is that we use a multivariate brain encoding approach, in combination with computational models. Previous studies of the interplay between semantic composition and polysemic variation in the interpretation of lexical items in cognitive neuroscience (Klepousniotou, Pike, Steinhauer, & Gracco, 2012; Klepousniotou, Gracco, & Pike, 2014; Lukic, Meltzer‐Asscher, Higgins, Parrish, & Thompson, 2019; MacGregor, Bouwsema, & Klepousniotou, 2015; Mollica et al., 2020; Pylkkänen, Llinás, & Murphy, 2006; Pylkkänen & McElree, 2007; Pylkkänen, 2020) have all used univariate methods (e.g., looking at differences in BOLD activation across conditions), whereas multivariate analyses afford higher sensitivity and, more importantly, a way to test competing accounts (Hebart & Baker, 2018; Naselaris & Kay, 2015).…”