Many chemicals in day-to-day and industrial usage have ability to cross the blood brain barrier and develop neurotoxicity in human beings. There are numerous in vitro, in vivo, epidemiological and in silico studies developed to test the neurotoxicity of such chemicals. This systematic review summarized the endpoints and biochemical markers generated from in vitro models, organism-based models, human studies and in silico tools and how they are being used to translate the data for risk assessment of neurotoxic chemicals. With the advancement in experimental studies such as high throughput screening (e.g. proteomics, genomics), there is a huge potential of data generation related to genes and proteins facilitating deep understanding of molecular mechanisms of neurotoxicity. However, this demand a translational platform that can integrate the biological data from different studies mechanistically and thereby translated across intra and interspecies for neurotoxicity assessment. Further, this review proposed an integrative translational framework to assess the chemicals for neurotoxicity.