-Evolution of membrane potential and spiking activity for a single leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neuron in distributed delay framework (DDF) is investigated. DDF provides a mechanism to incorporate memory element in terms of delay (kernel) function into a single neuron models. This investigation includes LIF neuron model with two different kinds of delay kernel functions, namely, gamma distributed delay kernel function and hypo-exponential distributed delay kernel function. Evolution of membrane potential for considered models is studied in terms of stationary state probability distribution (SPD). Stationary state probability distribution of membrane potential (SPDV) for considered neuron models are found asymptotically similar which is Gaussian distributed. In order to investigate the effect of membrane potential delay, rate code scheme for neuronal information processing is applied. Firing rate and Fano-factor for considered neuron models are calculated and standard LIF model is used for comparative study. It is noticed that distributed delay increases the spiking activity of a neuron. Increase in spiking activity of neuron in DDF is larger for hypo-exponential distributed delay function than gamma distributed delay function. Moreover, in case of hypo-exponential delay function, a LIF neuron generates spikes with Fano-factor less than 1.Keywords -Distributed Delay Framework, Fokker-Planck Equation, Gamma Distribution, Hypo-exponential Distribution, Stationary Probability Distribution, Spiking Activity.
I. InTRoducTIonT heRe are a number of neuron models depending on biophysical and electrical properties of a neuron suggested in literature [1][2][3][4][5]. Among these neuron models, Leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) model has become a backbone for theoretical as well as experimental investigation of neuronal dynamics due to its simplicity and analytical solvable capability [5,6,7]. This model is an RC-circuit equivalent representation of a neuron with additional spiking constraint and is widely used for mathematical explanation of bio-physical mechanism and information processing of neurons [1,2,4,8,9]. Based on some specific properties, many variants of LIF model are suggested in literature [1,5,7,8]. These neuron models explain neuronal dynamics adequately, but when we talk about memory, we have to rely on group of few neurons or neural networks. None of these single neuron models capture memory element. Recently, Karmeshu et. al. [10] have suggested a distributed delay framework for incorporating the effect of previous values of membrane potential (memory) on neuronal dynamics, in which, a kernel function is included in LIF model to capture the aggregate effect of previous values of membrane potential on its further evolution. It is a challenging problem to find an appropriate kernel function so that the resulting model can explain most of the variability in neuronal responses. To this end, Karmeshu et. al. [10] have investigated their proposed framework with exponential distributed delay kernel and...