Abstract. The two pathognomonic lesions in the brain of AD patients are senile plaques and intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles (NFT). Previous studies have demonstrated that amyloid- (A) is a component of both senile plaques and NFTs, and have showed that intracellular accumulation of A is toxic for cells and precedes the appearance of extracellular amyloid deposits. Here we report that there are numerous intraneuronal NFT and extraneuronal NFT immunoreactive for A x-40 in which there is no co-localization with tau staining suggesting the existence of two different neurodegenerating populations associated with the intracellular accumulation of either tau protein or A x-40 in AD.Keywords: Amyloid-, A peptides, immunohistochemistry, neurodegeneration, phosphorylated-tau, tau protein Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the progressive and irreversible destruction of neurons in the cerebral cortex. There are two pathognomonic lesions in the brain of AD patients: senile plaques, composed mainly of extracellular aggregates of amyloid- peptides (A) [1], and intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles (NFT), consisting of paired helical filaments (PHF) [2] composed primarily of hyperphosphorylated tau protein [3,4]. The relationship between these processes is uncertain and still not completely understood. The existence of intraneuronal A has been known for many years. Masters and collaborators published in 1985 that A, initially termed amyloid A4, is deposited first intraneuronally as NFT and subsequently in the extracellular space, associated with senile plaques and blood vessels [5]. Later on, the immunolabeling of most intraneuronal NFT (iNFT) and extraneuronal NFT (eNFT) with anti-A antibodies was replicated in several laboratories [6][7][8] However, other studies failed to find A immunolabeling associated with iNFT [9][10][11] or with both iNFT and eNFT [12].Later on, immunostaining with specific antibodies against the C-terminal fragment of either A 40 or A 42 (A x-40 or A x-42 , respectively) enabled the visualization of A 42 associated with iNFT where it was seen to collocalize with tau, whereas A 40 did not associate at all or to a far lesser degree [13][14][15]. Additionally, it was reported that numerous eNFT appeared stained for A x-40 , which was interpreted as a secondary deposition over remnants of iNFT exposed in brain tissue once the cells died; however, evidence of colocalization of A x-40 with tau protein in these eNFT was lacking [16].Studies in cell cultures have shown that both A 42 and A 40 can be intracellularly produced in neurons (but apparently not in other types of cells) [17,18], mainly in the trans-Golgi network, although production of A 42 is observed as well in the endoplasmic reticulum [19]. Numerous studies have shown that the intraneuronal accumulation of A may be toxic and precedes its extracellular deposition both in AD brains and in transgenic mice models of the disease