Six new 8-chloro-3-fluoro-10-piperazino-lO,1l-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepins II-VII were synthesized, amino alcohol II being a highly effective neuroleptic and tranquilizer in acute tests, dioxolane IV prolonging these effects upon oral administration. A new synthesis of acid VIII was developed, proceeding via (2-bromo-4-fluorophenyl)acetic acid (XI). A second geometric isomer of the 3--fluoro derivative of chloroprothixene (XIII) was prepared which, according to the IR spectrum, is of cis-configuration; it is inactive cataleptically and only a weak depressant. Acids XIVab were synthesized using selective bromination of phenylacetamide in the ortho-position. Starting from acid XIVa and via the intermediate XVIIa, 1-[2-(2-p-chlorophenylthiophenyl)-ethyl]-4-methylpiperazine (XIXa) was prepared, a new open model of octoclothepin which acted as an anticonvulsant and showed signs of antihistamine effects.In a previous communication! we described the synthesis of the 3-fluoro derivative of octoclothepin (I) which displayed a high degree of neuroleptic and depressant activity on oral application in acute tests and clear signs of prolongation of these effects. This was explained by a block of metabolic hydroxylation of the octoclothepin molecule by fluorination 1 ,2. The work has now been extended to include several analogues of I with modified N-substituents. Firstly, amino alcohol II was synthesized, this being a 3-fluoro derivative of the highly active noroxyclothepin 3 -5. It was prepared by a substitution reaction of 8, 1O-dichloro-3-fluoro-l 0, l1-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]-thiepinl with 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine. Its esterification with decanoyl chloride 6 (for method see 4 ) yielded the ester III which is a 3-fluoro derivative of the depot neuroleptic noroxyclothepin decanoate 4 ,7 ,8. Further prepared were IV and V with a 1,3-dioxolane or 4-methyl-l,3-dioxolane residue in the side chain; these are 3-fluoro derivatives of previously prepared octoclothepin analogues 9 which displayed, in comparison with octoclothepin, a much lower toxicity on oral administration. The purpose of synthesis of IV and V was to prepare oral neuroleptics with prolonged effect that would be less toxic than the 3-fluoro derivative of octoclothepin (I). ForPart CXIII in the series Neurotropic and Psychotropic Agents; Part CXI1: This Journal 42,2240 (1977).