Ford CP, Wong KV, Lu VB, Posse de Chaves E, Smith PA. Differential neurotrophic regulation of sodium and calcium channels in an adult sympathetic neuron. J Neurophysiol 99: 1319 -1332, 2008. First published January 23, 2008 doi:10.1152/jn.00966.2007. Adult neuronal phenotype is maintained, at least in part, by the sensitivity of individual neurons to a specific selection of neurotrophic factors and the availability of such factors in the neurons' environment. Nerve growth factor (NGF) increases the functional expression of Na ϩ channel currents (I Na ) and both N-and L-type Ca 2ϩ currents (I Ca,N and I Ca,L ) in adult bullfrog sympathetic ganglion (BFSG) B-neurons. The effects of NGF on I Ca involve the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Prolonged exposure to the ganglionic neurotransmitter luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) also increases I Ca,N but the transduction mechanism remains to be elucidated as does the transduction mechanism for NGF regulation of Na ϩ channels. We therefore exposed cultured BFSG B-neurons to chicken II LHRH (0.45 M; 6 -9 days) or to NGF (200 ng/ml; 9 -10 days) and used whole cell recording, immunoblot analysis, and ras or rap-1 pulldown assays to study effects of various inhibitors and activators of transduction pathways. We found that 1) LHRH signals via ras-MAPK to increase I Ca,N , 2) this effect is mediated via protein kinase C- (PKC--⌱⌱), 3) protein kinase A (PKA) is necessary but not sufficient to effect transduction, 4) NGF signals via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) to increase I Na , and 5) long-term exposure to LHRH fails to affect I Na . Thus downstream signaling from LHRH has access to the ras-MAPK pathway but not to the PI3K pathway. This allows for differential retrograde and anterograde neurotrophic regulation of sodium and calcium channels in an adult sympathetic neuron.