As is well-known, comparison of the solar neutrino fluxes measured in SuperKamiokande (SK) by ν + e − → ν + e − and in the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) by νe + d → e − + p + p can provide a "smoking gun" signature for neutrino oscillations as the solution to the solar neutrino puzzle. This occurs because SK has some sensitivity to all active neutrino flavors whereas SNO can isolate electron neutrinos. This comparison depends crucially on the normalization and uncertainty of the theoretical charged-current neutrino-deuteron cross section. We address a number of effects which are significant enough to change the interpretation of the SK-SNO comparison. 26.65.+t, 13.15.+g, 14.60.Pq Both SK and SNO are sensitive to solar neutrinos with energies above about 5 MeV. In SK, these are detected by ν +e − → ν +e − , with possible (indistinguishable) contributions from all active flavors. In particular, if there are ν e → ν µ , ν τ oscillations, then the latter contribute to the measured flux with a cross section 6-7 times smaller than for ν e . In SNO, on the other hand, the detection reaction ν e + d → e − + p + p can isolate the ν e flux. . This measured flux may or may not include a contribution from ν µ , ν τ (in any linear combination, since they interact via the neutral current). In an energy-independent (as suggested by the absence of any distortion in the SK recoil electron spectrum [2]) twoflavor oscillation scenario, there are two extreme cases [3]. First, for ν e → ν s , the ν e flux in these units is 0.45, and the undetectable ν s (sterile neutrino) flux is 0.55. Second, for ν e → ν µ , ν τ , the ν e flux is 0.34, and the ν µ , ν τ flux 0.66, so that the measured flux in SK is 0.34 + 0.66/6 = 0.45. In the first case, SNO will measure 0.45, and in the second case, 0.34. More generally, these arguments can be rephrased as a ratio to eliminate the SSM flux normalization and its ≃ 20% uncertainty, since the total incident flux is the same for both SK and SNO. Also, a small correction is necessary for the hep neutrinos [1,4] that add to the dominant 8 B neutrinos. This possible difference of 0.11 is small enough that the uncertainties must be scrutinized closely. Below, we closely follow the analogous results for the percent-level corrections to the theoreticalν e + p → e + + n cross section [5,6] that are necessary to achieve agreement with experiment [7].While results from SNO [8,9] have not yet been reported, they have said at conferences [10] that they expect their flux measurement uncertainty to be dominated by the ∼ 3% theoretical uncertainty [11,12] on the neutrino-deuteron cross section, at least eventually.In the SNO proposal [8], the uncertainty on the neutrino-deuteron cross sections was assumed to be about 10% (for comparison, the experimental measurements of neutrino-deuteron cross sections have uncertainties of 10 -40% [13]). Since that time, the calculations have been redone by a number of authors, with decreasing quoted uncertainties. The most refined recent calculations are those of Butler,...