Recent results of high-magnetic-field X-ray diffraction and absorption spectroscopy experiments using pulsed magnets are reviewed. Pulsed magnetic fields of up to 30-40 T are utilized. Structural changes induced by magnetic fields in rare-earth intermetallic compounds, transition-metal oxides and low-dimensional quantum spin compounds are presented as results of X-ray diffraction experiments. The structural changes are interpreted by several mechanisms such as the interspin distance dependence of exchange interactions, the symmetry change owing to the geometrical frustration effect, and the Jahn-Teller effect. In addition to the Thomson scattering experiment, a magnetic X-ray scattering experiment on TbB 4 has been conducted at 30 T. Regarding X-ray absorption spectroscopy, the valence state transition in magnetic fields is observed in Yb-, Ce-, and Eu-based intermetallic compounds. Magnetic-field-induced changes in the structural and electronic states in transition-metal and rare-earth compounds were investigated using Xray absorption spectra. The microscopic magnetic properties were examined by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism.