This review focuses on the superconducting properties of
that are relevant for power applications. The reversible mixed state parameters are the most
important, since they define the limiting conditions for loss-free currents: the transition
temperature, the upper critical field and the depairing current. They also determine the
flux pinning energy, the pinning force and the elastic properties of the flux line lattice and,
therefore, strongly influence the critical current densities. The magnetic properties of
magnesium diboride are anisotropic and influenced by the two different energy gaps of the
σ- and
π-bands. Whereas the transition temperature could not be enhanced
significantly during the past five years, the upper critical field was considerably
increased by impurity scattering or doping. Flux pinning is very weak in
single crystals and was only improved by irradiation techniques so far. In
polycrystalline samples, grain boundary pinning seems to play the dominant
role. High critical currents close to the theoretical limit were found in
oriented thin films. The anisotropy of the upper critical field strongly reduces the critical currents in
untextured MgB2
at high magnetic fields, where the supercurrents become highly percolative, since not all
grains are superconducting anymore. The performance of polycrystalline wires and tapes
was significantly improved during the past few years by increasing the upper critical field
and by reducing its anisotropy. Pinning seems to be nearly optimized in many forms of this
material, but the connectivity between the grains might be further improved.