Possibility of observing the Mott momentum in the distribution of the deuterons produced in the process p + n → d + γ, in the first stage of a nuclear reaction is presented. The correlation of a hard photon with a deuteron allows to select those deuterons produced at the beginning of a reaction.PACS numbers: 25., 25.90.+k, 25.70.Lm Corresponding author : M. Ploszajczak GANIL, BP 5027 F-14076 Caen Cedex 05 France * E-mail : bozek@solaris.if j.edu.pl 1 Recent analysis of the hard photon production in heavy ion collisions shows the importance of the two-body process π + N → N + γ in the description of the high energy part of the photon spectrum observed experimentally by the TAPS collaboration [1]. The inclusion of the processes p + n → d + π and p + n → d + γ seems to be necessary in order to improve, simultaneously, the description of the data for the pion and photon production. The two body phase-space and a weak dependence of the cross section σ np→dγ on energy make the p + N → d + γ process important for the high energy part of the photon spectrum. The deuteron in the final state is not Pauli-blocked. If we allowed for all deuteron momenta, that process would be the dominant source of high energy photons (E γ > 30MeV). However, the process p + n → d + γ requires the existence of the bound state of the final deuteron. That means, that the deuteron momentum p d must be above the Mott momentum p Mott [2][3][4], if the influence of the surrounding nucleons is taken into account. In particular, deuterons with low momentum cannot exist at a normal nuclear density. Typically, one finds the condition p d /2 > p Mott /2 ≃ 1.2p F for the existence of a deuteron around the normal nuclear density [4].The process involving a deuteron was not previously discussed in the context of hard photon production in heavy ion reactions [5]. Thus it seems important to test the relevance of that process in a more specific way, using the d − γ correlation. The correlation to a hard photon allows us to select the deuterons from this 2-body process. Additional condition on the minimal energy of the photon or the maximal energy of deuteron allows to select the deuteron production at the early stage of a nuclear reaction. Another way of producing deuterons involves 3-body collisions [4] and it also utilizes as a basic ingredient the value of the Mott momentum. Below, we show how in a more direct way the Mott effect can be tested in heavy ion reactions using the simpler p + n → d + γ process, where both the photon and the deuteron in the final state can be detected experimentally.To understand basic elements of the production process, the d − γ correlations will be studied in a simple firstchance collision model (FCCM). In this model of the initial phase of a heavy ion reaction, the initial momentum distribution of nucleons, that limits the deuteron momenta, is given by the two Fermi spheres 1 . For that distribution, the deuterons are emitted predominantly at 90• in the nucleus-nucleus center of mass (c.m.). In describing the p + n → d +...